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The Prowl News

Amory High School Journalism News Website


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Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.



  • The first FCA of the year will be on Thursday, August 8th, at 7:10 in Mr. Watson's room. All are welcome to attend!

  • School Pictures will be held August 27-29 (including senior composites). More information will be sent out when it gets closer to time.

  • If you would like to audition to host the AHS Podcast this year, please see Mr. Watson for more details. All grades are open to audition.

  • If you would like to join the AHS Photography Club, there will be an interest meeting during break on Wednesday, August 7th, in Mr. Watson's room.

  • Your 2024-2025 Panorama yearbooks are on sale now! Order by September 15th for 15% off. Please see Mr. Watson for more details.

Coming Soon!


Panteras al acecho

Panthers on the Prowl es un podcast presentado por Jurdan May y Brianna Leon

Para ver más episodios de Panthers on the Prowl, haga clic en Podcast en la barra de navegación o busque "Panthers on the Prowl" en Spotify.

2023-2024 Stroke of the Pen is now posted!

The 2023-2024 AHS literary magazine (Stroke of the Pen) is now posted! A literary magazine is a collection of this year's student writings, including short stories, articles, and poems. The students had their work submitted and reviewed by the staff before being hand-selected for this publication. If you would like to read this year's copy, go on over to the heading "File Share" and download the pdf.

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