From losing her true love to losing her son, she finds a remarkable man that changes the story completely. Auburn Reed is a cosmetologist that wants nothing more than to figure out what her next move is. She goes looking for a job that could help her with her financial standpoint. She comes to a store and all the door says is “Help Desperately Needed, Confess.” She walks through the door and a guy, Owen Gentry, stands there confused about what to do in this situation.
She says to the man that she is willing to help and work for whatever he needs. He allows her but she has no clue what she just got into. He pays her $200 a night for her to work his art show. With the confessions that he gets from random people, he creates the most beautiful paintings, and she falls in love with this side of him. After spending time with each other after the art show, they learn that they start to really like each other. Little does he know that there are things about her that he has yet to figure out.
This novel is about a beautiful relationship between a mother, son, and true love. One thing for certain is that you do whatever you can do for your family, no matter the case. This amazing story shows that. Confess your love, give whatever it takes, and make sure you do the right thing or the right people.